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The Dublin Signature Trail, first introduced as a recommendation in the 2024 Envision Dublin Community Plan, aims to provide a connected, joyful and iconic east-west experience for pedestrians and cyclists across Dublin. The Signature Trail will provide new community links, outdoor recreation opportunities and improvements to multi-modal access to key destinations. The City of Dublin will engage with community leaders, stakeholders and the public to develop a bold and implementable vision that details the exact trail route and design features such as wayfinding, lighting, shelters, bike facilities and more.
The goals for the Dublin Signature Trail build upon Envision Dublin and City Council's Visionary Goals and provide structure for consensus-building and decision-making throughout the process.
Desirable: Aligns with community-identified desires and needs
Iconic: A significant and recognizable landmark and destination for residents and the region
Visionary: Leveraged to create additional growth and economic opportunities
Connected: Anchors a connected and holistic city-wide and regional trail network
Accessible: Welcoming and inclusive trail, expanding non-motorized mobility options to all persons
Sustainable: Supports an ecological and resilient Dublin
Actionable: Designed for implementation that uses diverse funding sources and delivers early wins
Process and Schedule: The vision for the Signature Trail is in its early stages, and the identity and implementation process will all be developed as part of this planning study. The project will continue through 2025 to gather community input. The City of Dublin will organize a process that engages with City staff, elected officers, project stakeholders and the public throughout the study. The process is currently set to end in spring 2026.
Key Dates
A variety of public engagement opportunities will inform the visioning of the Dublin Signature Trail. Check back for dates as the study advances.
The Dublin Signature Trail, first introduced as a recommendation in the 2024 Envision Dublin Community Plan, aims to provide a connected, joyful and iconic east-west experience for pedestrians and cyclists across Dublin. The Signature Trail will provide new community links, outdoor recreation opportunities and improvements to multi-modal access to key destinations. The City of Dublin will engage with community leaders, stakeholders and the public to develop a bold and implementable vision that details the exact trail route and design features such as wayfinding, lighting, shelters, bike facilities and more.
The goals for the Dublin Signature Trail build upon Envision Dublin and City Council's Visionary Goals and provide structure for consensus-building and decision-making throughout the process.
Desirable: Aligns with community-identified desires and needs
Iconic: A significant and recognizable landmark and destination for residents and the region
Visionary: Leveraged to create additional growth and economic opportunities
Connected: Anchors a connected and holistic city-wide and regional trail network
Accessible: Welcoming and inclusive trail, expanding non-motorized mobility options to all persons
Sustainable: Supports an ecological and resilient Dublin
Actionable: Designed for implementation that uses diverse funding sources and delivers early wins
Process and Schedule: The vision for the Signature Trail is in its early stages, and the identity and implementation process will all be developed as part of this planning study. The project will continue through 2025 to gather community input. The City of Dublin will organize a process that engages with City staff, elected officers, project stakeholders and the public throughout the study. The process is currently set to end in spring 2026.
Key Dates
A variety of public engagement opportunities will inform the visioning of the Dublin Signature Trail. Check back for dates as the study advances.