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The City of Dublin is partnering with the Dublin City Schools and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) on a project to install a High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) on Muirfield Drive and resurface the intersection of Muirfield Drive and Sells Mill Drive/Mojave Street. The City completed a Heightened Awareness Crosswalks Report in 2020, which identified improvements for the ScottishCorners Elementary School crosswalk on Muirfield Drive. The crosswalk on Muirfield Drive at Sells Mill Drive/Mojave Street can be difficult to cross at busy times. Providing a signalized crossing that stops vehicles when activated by pedestrians will enhance safety by connecting the sidewalks and shared paths and encourage more walking and biking in the area.
Project Scope
The project provides pedestrians with the right-of-way and promotes safe crossing. The curb ramps will be reconstructed to shorten the crosswalk and make the entry perpendicular to the travelway. New street lighting, pavement resurfacing, striping and signs are also part of the project, enhancing the pedestrian environment. Providing a signalized crossing that stops vehicles will enhance safety by connecting the sidewalks and shared paths and encourage more walking and biking in the area.
How a HAWK Works
This system assigns the right of way to pedestrians by displaying a red indicator to the drivers, just like a traffic signal. When the system is activated by a pedestrian, drivers follow the same rules as a traffic signal.
Your Feedback is Encouraged
If you are a resident of the ScottishCorners Elementary area or a parent of a student, please share any input that would help the planning and construction process.
The City of Dublin is partnering with the Dublin City Schools and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) on a project to install a High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) on Muirfield Drive and resurface the intersection of Muirfield Drive and Sells Mill Drive/Mojave Street. The City completed a Heightened Awareness Crosswalks Report in 2020, which identified improvements for the ScottishCorners Elementary School crosswalk on Muirfield Drive. The crosswalk on Muirfield Drive at Sells Mill Drive/Mojave Street can be difficult to cross at busy times. Providing a signalized crossing that stops vehicles when activated by pedestrians will enhance safety by connecting the sidewalks and shared paths and encourage more walking and biking in the area.
Project Scope
The project provides pedestrians with the right-of-way and promotes safe crossing. The curb ramps will be reconstructed to shorten the crosswalk and make the entry perpendicular to the travelway. New street lighting, pavement resurfacing, striping and signs are also part of the project, enhancing the pedestrian environment. Providing a signalized crossing that stops vehicles will enhance safety by connecting the sidewalks and shared paths and encourage more walking and biking in the area.
How a HAWK Works
This system assigns the right of way to pedestrians by displaying a red indicator to the drivers, just like a traffic signal. When the system is activated by a pedestrian, drivers follow the same rules as a traffic signal.
Your Feedback is Encouraged
If you are a resident of the ScottishCorners Elementary area or a parent of a student, please share any input that would help the planning and construction process.